Charles Auffray MD PhD
European Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine – CNRS-ENS-UCBL.Université de Lyon.France
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Revolutionizing Healthcare and Wellness Management Through Systems Medicine
Charles Auffray MD PhD
European Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine – CNRS-ENS-UCBL.Université de Lyon.France.
Systems biology approaches are combining high-dimensional functional genomics data with biological, clinical, environmental and lifestyle assessments through iterative statistical analyses, computational modelling and experimental validation. They are transforming biomedical research and clinical practice, triggering the transition from a reactive to a proactive practice of medicine. The effective development of predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory systems (P4) medicine requires harmonization of experimental and computational methods for data, information and knowledge collection, storage and sharing. In order to address the associated ethical, legal and social issues, the active participation of all stakeholders including researchers and clinicians in academy and industry, regulatory and funding bodies, individuals and patient organizations is essential. The expectation is that this collective endeavour will help reversing the escalating costs of drug and diagnostic development in industry, and of patient management in hospital and community practice to provide the basis for a more cost-efficient and sustainable integrated healthcare system. This is revolutionizing how medicine will be practiced in the 21st century. I will first review two examples of individuals who have managed to anticipate the occurrence of disease and take preventive measures through a regular assessment of their exposome (environmental and occupational exposures, nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress), clinicome (biological and clinical features), and integrome (metabolomics, proteomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, genomic and genetic features). I will then discuss how the challenges to perform such comprehensive assessments are being addressed in cohorts of patients with a range of respiratory diseases such as severe asthma, and the computational infrastructure being developed for the collection, storage, analysis and sharing of translational research information and knowledge. Finally, I will introduce pilot studies designed to scale up the monitoring of wellness, health and disease through the collection of billions of data points for increasing numbers of individuals who are healthy, at risk of developing disease, or in the course of disease development. Such pilot studies form the basis for the development of a network of systems medicine centres in the context of the new framework programme of the European Union Horizon 2020. Through its worldwide extension, this network will catalyse the transformation of healthcare delivery and the transition toward emphasis on management of wellness for millions then billions of individuals in the next generation.
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Charles Auffray obtained the Agrégation in Physiology and Biochemistry at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, his State Doctorate in Molecular Immunology and Genetic Engineering at Pierre & Marie Curie University of Paris and the Pasteur Institute, Paris. He was a Post-doctoral Fellow and Junior Faculty at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Harvard University in Cambridge. Group Leader at the Institute of Embryology, CNRS and Collège de France. Scientific Director of the Genexpress Program at Généthon in Evry. Head of the CNRS Research Unit in Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology, then Functional Genomics and Systems Biology for Health in Villejuif. He is currently a Research Director at the CNRS Institute of Biological Sciences. He founded the European Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine in Lyon. In 2012 he joined the Joliot Curie transdisciplinary Laboratory of CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, hosted by Claude Bernard University. Charles Auffray develops a systems approach to cancer and the physio-pathology of the immune, neuro-muscular and respiratory systems by integrating functional genomics tools with mathematical, physical and computational approaches.
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