04. “Saca la Lengua”: Study of human mouth microbiome as a large citizen science project

Julia Ponomarenko.
Centre for Genomic regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain


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“Saca la Lengua”: Study of human mouth microbiome as a large citizen science project


Julia Ponomarenko.
Centre for genomic regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain.

Saca La Lengua  is a citizen science project studying the human mouth microbiome. Bacterial profiles of over 1500 school children across Spain were obtained using 16S rRNA sequencing and analyzed in relation to their diet, mouth hygiene, geographic area and other environmental characteristics and lifestyle. In my talk I will discuss the results of the project and also bioinformatics challenges we have encountered undertaking the project.

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Julia Ponomarenko. Head of the Bioinformatics Unit at the CRG, Barcelona, Spain. After obtaining in 2002 the PhD in computational biology, Julia moved to the San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California San Diego (UCSD), where until 2015 she was the US NIH Principal Investigator. Dr. Ponomarenko is one of the primary developers of the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB.org), a $35M NIAID/NIH contract. In 2014, she received the US National Science Foundation RAPID award for studies of the immunity against the Ebola virus epitope. Dr. Ponomarenko’s research interests include NGS data analysis, immunoinformatics, structural genomics, transcriptomics, systems biology, development of biological databases and bioinformatics software.​


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