Board of Trustees

BRN’s Board of Trustees is composed of

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    • Researchers from prestigious university hospitals and research centres from the Barcelona area.
    • Pharmaceutical, biomedical and health technology sector companies involved in respiratory health.
    • Civil society entities with an interest in respiratory health.




Currently the members are:



Dr. Joaquim Gea (H. del Mar)


Sr. Jaime Grego (LETI)


Sr. David Asín (Linde Medicinal)


Dr. Antoni Rosell (H. Bellvitge)

Honour Trustee:

Dr. Àlvar Agustí (H. Clínic)



Dr. Jorge Abad (H. Germans Trias i Pujol)
Dr. Ferran Barbé (H. Arnau de Vilanova)
Dr. Joan Albert Barberà (H. Clínic)
Dr. Jordi Dorca (H. Bellvitge)
Dr. Joan Albert Barberà (H. Clínic)
Dr. Eduard Monsó (H. Parc Taulí)
Dr. Joan Escarrabill (PDMAR)
Dra. Rosa Faner (H. Clínic)
Dr. Jaume Ferrer (H. Vall d’Hebron)
Dra. Judith Garcia-Aymerich (IS Global)
Dr. Joaquim Gea (H. del Mar)
Dra. Sílvia Gómez (H. Arnau de Vilanova)
Dr. Vicente Plaza (H. Sant Pau)
Dr. Alfons Torrego (H. Sant Pau)


Aldo Unión: represented by Sr. Pablo Calzada
AstraZeneca: represented by Sra. Pablo Viguera
Esteve: represented by Sr. Ángel Azpeitia
Esteve Teijin: represented by Sr. Diana Lamarca
Ferrer: represented by Sra. Roser Maestro
Menarini: represented by Sra. Remei Artigas

SOCAP: represented by Dr. Enric Barbeta




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